It feels like a paradox, using harmful chemicals to clean out vases so flowers stay healthy and live longer. But what if vases are only used once during their life-time... And what if the vase can actively add value to the life of other plants... Meet the throw-out vase.
As part of my bachelor’s study at the Technical University of Delft I was asked to design a new product for Chrysal and bring some innovation to a market that has been pretty much the same for the last 60 years.
Chrysal is a market leader in plant feed and care products. They used to be the only one in the market, but since Oasis (known for there floral foam) started to create plant feed and care products as well they are feeling the heat and decided it’s time for some aggressive competition.
The product I designed for Chrysal is called the throw-out vase. It’s a vase that’s completely bio-degradable and degrades at the same rate as the flowers in it. The vase is impregnated with Chrysal flower feed to ensure long-living and healthy flowers. It’s made from a starch based bio-plastic that’s coated to make it waterproof. At the end of the flower and vase life, the whole thing can be simply composted and thus contribute to the life of even more plants and grasses.
The envisioned customers would be companies who use flower services to keep a green and lively office. The biggest benefit is the fact that the vases will not have to be cleaned with harmful chemicals after use.
Throw-out vase

Throw-out vase

It feels like a paradox, using harmful chemicals to clean out vases so flowers stay healthy and live longer. But what if vases are only used once Read More
